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Family Hiking

Through our campaigns, we aim to raise awareness and champion the rights of parents to determine their children's education, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all. We collaborate with communities, educators, and policymakers to promote informed decision-making and protect the integrity of family values within educational settings. Natural Women's Council runs multiple nationwide campaigns in-person and across multiple media channels.

Schools & Curriculum
School Kids

Schools have been captured by woke ideology and we are campaigning against the indoctrination and sexualisation of children.  We must protect a child’s right to innocence and protect their mental health from content which is overwhelming and too much for young developing minds to process without inducing guilt and fear.  


Get involved in this campaign by sending the letters below: 

Primary Curriculum 2024 - Overview and Proposed Change

Primary School Consultation - Submission to NCCA 

Letter to Public Representatives and Schools (following Cass report)

BelongTo - Letter to School

Board of Management Letter

Opt Out Letter One 

Opt Out Letter Two

Libraries & Bookshops
At the Library















31-January, 2023

From: Natural Women’s Council, Irish Education Alliance, Lawyers for Justice Ireland and Parents Rights Alliance


Dear concerned men and women,

Following our Child Protection event at Leinster House on 26-January 2023, in relation to our non consent to gender ideology and pornography coming into schools, we launched a campaign to remove the books from libraries that clearly violate the Children First Act of 2015.


Many of you have already been to your local library to take out these books and serve a notice to the library – thank you for taking action so quickly! It is only through a grassroots people movement, public opinion and persistent pushback will make a change.


We received a flood of messages asking for support on this initiative and we thank you for your feedback. Please find below a ‘toolkit’ to support you as you take action.


It includes what to do when you visit the library and the notice letter to send following your visit. We have provided email addresses to send this too and have included many who endorsed, sponsored and promoted these books.


What do I do at the library?


  1. Go to a library (you can use your library card to rent books in any library in your county) and ask to see the LGBTQ+ books in the 12 to 17 year old section. (may also be defined as Young Adult or Teens at the library). Please be aware that it was the content we scrutinised and not whether it was a book targeted for homosexual or straight boys and girls. It just so happened that the books with inappropriate content were in the Young Adult/Teens section.

  2. You should also ask the librarian what books they have on their database for this section. Some of these may already be on loan but could make their way back on the shelf. Please be respectful towards librarians and library staff.
• A few examples of the books we read that were not age appropriate included “This Book Is Gay”, “What is T” by Juno Dawson, “Gay Now What” by Khalof, “Sex Ed An Inclusive Teenage Guide to Sex and Relationships” by The School of Sexuality Education, “Trans Teen Survival Guide” by Owl and Fox Fisher and there are dozens more that are being identified daily thanks to the public who have taken action.

  3. Have a brief look through these books to see the content, rent them out and add them to the NOTICE OF LIABILITY (PDF below). Take a photo of these books.

  4. Hand the NOTICE OF LIABILITY to the head librarian and ask for the name and email of the person in charge of this County Library.

  5. When you return home, email this person and CC the list below. Attach the photos of the books and some pages from the books which violate the Children’s First Act 2015.

  6. You may report these books to the local Garda station. Ask them to file a report and start a Pulse Number. (This may take a few days to process so call in or phone to get it). Remind them of the Children’s First Act 2015 and the United Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989. You may also provide them with a copy of these acts if you wish. There have already been four cases lodged with the Garda (Lusk, Balbriggan, Swords and Pearse Street) that were dismissed as a ‘civil not criminal’ case. We are sending a letter to Garda Commissioner Drew Harris to dispute this outcome.

Who is responsible for these books?

Below are the necessary documents:

Letter to Email too your local library and TDs (library visit not required)

Letter to Print off and hand into the library (after visit to to library)

Letter to Email to the Library and TDs (after visit to library)

(Insert the names of books found in the children’s section in the library that violate the Children’s First Act 2015)

Children First Act of 2017

EU Law on the Protection of Children


Book Shop Notice of Liability letter

Women's Sports

“Natural Women’s Council strongly oppose males being allowed to complete in female sports. This letter can be adapted and sent to Minister of Sport and the CEO of the LGFA.

LGFA - Ladies Gaelic football Association

Our Submissions

NWC Primary School Submission to NCCA In Progress


Letter to Public Representatives and Schools (following Cass report)

Natural Women’s Council Senior Cycle submission to the NCCA (Nov 2023)

Letters to Schools -  BelongTo (Oct-2023)

Letter to Schools - Masks (Jun 2022)

Past Campaigns



Natural Women’s Council campaigned for a NO/NO vote in March 2024.  We hosted and spoke at live events, radio interviews and podcasts and got 100,000 leaflets out to the public.    (PDF Leaflet)



40th Amendment (Care):

73.93% No 

39th Amendment (Family):

67.69% No

Junior Cycle SPHE​


250,000 of these leaflets were distributed in every county in Ireland to inform the public of our concerns on the proposed changes on the Junior Cycle Curriculum:   (PDF Leaflet)


Our supportive partners who help us thrive.

Irish Education Alliance

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Lawyers for Justice Ireland

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Parents Rights Alliance

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